“The more we learn about promoting children’s healthy development and laying a strong foundation for later learning and development, the clearer it becomes that one of the best investments for young children is an investment in the adults who shape the settings where they learn and grow.” —Saul Zaentz Early Education Initiative, Harvard Graduate School of Education
“当我们越是了解儿童早年的健康发展,是如何对未来十几年的学习以及终身发展奠定坚实基础的,我们也就越明白: 对孩子最好的投资之一,就是投资在他们的养育人身上,因为是他们,塑造了所有学习和成长的可能性。 - 索尔·扎恩茨早期教育计划,哈佛教育学院
Raising Global Citizens. Raising Future Creators.
Claire Liao Family School is an online school and community dedicated to lifelong learning parents with strong global perspectives. The core to change education is to cultivate family learning and create a culture of thinking. We change aspects of each individual family to start making changes from the community we live in, from whatever we do wherever we are, to navigate the future in our complex world. We provide parenting training and kids classes on all aspects of global citizenship, equipping parents to empower their kids with the most cutting-edge research from top-tier institutions like Harvard and MIT.
Parents know what's best for their children by practicing personal leadership tools which can be applied immediately to improve family well-being, maximize children's potential, and promote creativity. Variety methods are introduced for families with younger kids (0-5) such as Montessori-based, Reggio-inspired, Project-based learning (PBL), Play-based learning, Social Emotional Learning (SEL), etc. Our diverse project-based cross-subject cross-culture experiential training programs will enable our talents to go beyond the boundaries and achieve extraordinary results at home, school, and in the communities they serve, from a young age.
In the past three years, we assisted in nurturing over 30k global citizen families and children from 8 countries, with diverse educational and professional backgrounds, spanning more than 40 cities. It has gradually developed a unique and high-quality alumni network and cultural community.
“The more we learn about promoting children’s healthy development and laying a strong foundation for later learning and development, the clearer it becomes that one of the best investments for young children is an investment in the adults who shape the settings where they learn and grow.” —Saul Zaentz Early Education Initiative, Harvard Graduate School of Education